Your privacy is important, so we'll protect the information you share with us. To protect your privacy, Bulzomi Bus LInes follows principles in accordance with worldwide practices for customer privacy and data protection. We won’t sell or give away your name, phone number, email address or any other information to anyone. The only circumstance we will disclose your information is when it's required or authorised by law. We also use security measures to protect your information from unauthorized users. The personal information we do collect is through our contact forms on our website (
contact page). Further information may be obtained including correspondence by telephone, by email and any relevant registration forms.
If you require any further information or have questions about our privacy policy, please use our
contact form or write and mail directly to our business address below.
Bulzomi Bus Lines
Cnr Sturt Hwy & Taylor Rd
P.O Box 58
Euston NSW 2737